We are all one, God is us, we are God, the universe is us we are the universe. I am a female I am a male, we are all females we are all males. I am dark, you are light, you are dark, I am light, we are one, we are God.
Now knowing a thing or two about our soul and the spiritual/astral worlds there should be no confusion that we are all energies who are all from one or another source, but we are all ENERGY, and in the end we are all the same. The moon has his/her energy, the Gods (light and dark), have their energy, etc..
This earth has a "life" in my opinion and many Pagans as well, but what does this world have who dwells within to give it more of his/her life? us, animals, plants, dirt, soil, air, water, fire, etc... And the Universe? the Universe has many of these worlds, stars, living spirits, thus he/she has his/her life, and then there is the "God", all as one, the big mother/father.
However, I do believe that there is the dark/light, feminine/masculine, and all are one in the universe and that is the yin-yang, without one or the other there is no life.
I also believe that the "Spirits" within the Universe or the "Mother/Father" figure of the "first" the "creation" come as either Light, Dark, and sometimes Grey. I believe that the Dark and Light are usually at conflict with one another, which is their purpose and that creates duality and thus (light and dark gods/deities/spirits).
My mother-father experience has always been with the "Dark spirits" and the darkside, I know that I am an influence of the Dark rather than the Light. I tend to feel an uneasyness with many people, the majority, whom are actually light, and I feel a connection with certain people, who are rather dark, which is interesting. I cannot explain this feeling from my 5 physical senses but more of a clairsentient sense (which I always naturally was good with). With this same sense, I had always felt a motherly loving/caring feel, usually (if not always) at night and I was her son and daughter, and she became my mother as she always were, but I were never aware until later.
I had an experience with an actual entity a month ago, and that was the most spiritual feeling that I have ever had, I will not go into too much detail because this was a very personal "night". I had been starting to attach closer to these dark spirits of night etc... and I had been also understanding them better. One morning at 4am I was showering (as i'm nocturnal), and I felt a presence with me, a dark presence, this was not the exact presence I would feel at night but it was a caring and loving/warm presence and I knew I had a relation with this spirit somehow from penumbra. This strong emotional feeling came within me, that of empathy, and I started crying for apparently no reason, I had feelings of extreme anger, rage, hate, love, desire, will, passion, fire. The feeling was more fatherly, but also very feminine like, though I knew it was the "father" side. I cried for hours on and felt a very strong "sense of emotion" within me, filled with empathy, I knew I was one with this spirit. I took my sleep at 6am and awoke at 4pm and had to leave somewhere; whilst on my way back at 10:25pm I started feeling the same feeling once more, but much stronger. *Note - was also a full moon night. On my way back I had to stop my bike and get off to literally sob crying filled with emotions, I could not understand why I was crying, but my views on everything were different at the moment, I would see the world around me through anothers' eyes (his/her), and until now, these feelings have grown. Everything within me changed, I knew my "mother/father" were waiting to open up to me at some point, and they did. I get a feeling that both these motherly and fatherly spirits are one, and that is my "God". He/she is both a male and female, not one or the other, and I do not worship him/her for I am his/her son and daughter, I fight for him/her, I am his/her blood as my white blood cells are to me.
I do not worship him/her for worship is from fear and selfishness, I love him/her and were I to suffer eternally for him/her I would, for I am him/her, and we are one, we shall suffer as one as well. I ask nothing from him/her, for I know what I have were from them.
And this Androgynous one is my mother and father, he/she is also "MY GOD", for I am his/her blood.
But that does not go for me to say that My God is the creator or creation, he/she is one of the spirits who dwells within this all eternal universe amidst existance.
This post has been edited by DeathStalker: Dec 4 2006, 05:12 AM