Levicticus is still in the Church canon. It details on how to make a proper sacrifice to God. It even talks about setting up an alter. When people donate to the church they are making a sacrifice to have their sins absolved. When people are baptized they under go ritual. First communion, confermation, excorsism, confession, daily prayers, self mortifaction, absolution, the last rites, excommunication, hell why not even the holy eucharist, and probably a few others I forgot about, are all Christian rituals. They are carried out because the Church tells its followers its what they need to do to live good, prosperous, christian lives to avoid eternal damnation and gain a seat in heaven. Then there's the various Christain holidays that embody the Christain mythos.
All of this, in my humble opinion, seems pretty "cultish", "mystical" umm... "magickal", but thats just me. Besides the topic isn't about what magick is. Its about is it ok to pracitice magick as a devote Christain. Which in my opinion, based on my up bringing, practicing any kind of ritual, weather its magickal or not, with intent to create "magickal" change that goes against accepted church dogma is a no no.
Now if you'rea devote unitarian thats where you can hit enough grey area that one might be able to justify incorperating ritual magick into their lives.