My reason is personal growth and developement. When I think about reasons like trancendance, power, control, greed, health, prosperity what ever else I run into a lot of subjectivism. It could be said that all things are subjective. What are ideas? They're thoughts, opinions, people's beliefs. Even hard line science is believed to be fact simply because people believe in the logic, inductive, scientific processes and the technology we use. Yet its been shown that even what science thinks is fact can change. So what is the difference between trancendance and power? Or greed and personal wealth and prosperity? The ability heal and control over others? Maybe they're all just euphemisms for the same basic ideas.
I believe practicing magick for the perpose of personal growth and development encompasses all the basic reasons. I believe to grow and develope is to mature and gain wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power is control. Control is influence over my self, others and my environment. Do I practice for "good" reasons; reasons to help others and myself? I'd like to think so. But I also know that I am not above using my personal growth and development in way to cause destruction or suffering, especially if I though destruction or and suffering were necessary.