hi ... i'm a mom of a 6 year old (well almost 7 years old now, 20 days away!)
we used to home school so i taught her what i wanted ... we used the philosophy of education from Sudbury Valley School in Massachusettes ... they had two principles ... (1) freedom, and (2) personal responsibility. that children should be free to exerience and learn whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, but that everthing must be done responsibly. i have taught my daughter esoteric truths and magic since she was born. she takes it in stride and context. she did her first magic spell at the beginning of the school year when she decided she wanted to go to a "real" school. i bought her her first magic wand last summer, she was told how to 'pack' it with her blood (of course, she wanted to wait until she hurt herself rather than prick herself with a needle ... that's responsible!), i added a herkimer diamond and told her why ... she didn't really care, but agreed because it looked pretty. her first spell with it was over her school application when we were told it was impossible as we applied the week before school started!
she doesn't care for the tarot, but has been learning the medicine cards because she loves animals and understands the simplicity of those cards. she understands a lot about tarot because she hears me talk about it, she asks questions about astrology all the time, and now that she is in school and learning "math", we talk about numbers quite a bit too.
i guess my nutshell is, do it naturally at a level they are ready to assume responsibility for; teach them what they ask about or what you are excited about sharing with them ... the younger they are and the more "part of their life" their seemingly 'strange' beliefs or philosophies or however you describe it, the less unsure and insecure they will be about them, and hence, the less it will be an issue for osterization, teasing or prejudice. the more integrated it is in their life, the more it will be natural not just to them but to their environment. when i describe what i do or what i believe, people do not look at me strange or funny, they ask me questions. because what i do, know, learn and study is part of me naturally and not forced or done as a reaction to something else, people do not respond to me with defense mechanisms that usually show up as discrimination and separation.
embrace anything your child wants to know about as being a good thing in context to their present reality ... if you let them lead their own way on what they want to learn, they won't be exposed to something too early or too mature for them ... its like the sex question ... when they just mention it, our adult minds have a lot more information and we get worried they are talking about sex at our level ... and if you lead the discussion, you may give them information they are not ready for, but if they lead the discussion, you may find out they are just talking about holding hands with the cute boy in science class.