that's a hard question ... because yes, reversed cards do play an impotant role in most readings, but for a beginner, i would suggest always having the cards upright until you become comfortable in the cards and the spreads that you are choosing to use. take your time in learning. i do not know the book you are referencing, but check it out and see how it feels and works for you ... you often buy the precise book for the beginning of your own philosophy. one of the keys to tarot is to allow your own philosophy and understanding of the cards to develop and not attach too much to someone else's ideas on the cards.
personally, i too have the Case book The Tarot which gives some very esoteric and comprehensively obtuse, yet historical and specific, information on the cards, given them lots of depth and bredth as well as depth, if you desire to go that direction with tarot.
This post has been edited by business voodoo: Dec 12 2006, 02:48 PM