HI all its been a while (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/13.gif) sorry for not responding on the forums and to the pm's I just got back to the U.K from my travels(to africa). How am I able to get assistance from spiritual beings? well the method I made contact with jinn is simple, my teacher in this case my father just transferred his servant jinns to me. The process of transference took some days and invloved a short evocation i.e every night I had to recite certain versus from the Quran and on the last day just as I completed my recitation I saw a flash of bright white light and there infront of me a Jinn stood in human form. After that day all such spiritual tasks became easy and also I gained huge benefits on the spirtual side of which one was to see and talk with my Qareen. BUT WAIT one mintue all this success I gained after alot of hardship of which I shall mention some things, abstaining from any sexual conduct i.e controlling the carnal self, avoid mixing with the rest of society(humans) for this task I stayed many days+nights in deserts and forests, fasting for many days at a time these are just afew things.. All such task are required to strengthen ones mind and will power and also to achieve a special state of mind in which the 3rd eye becomes functional. Ones you have acomplished this and then make invocation or evocation you will have success.
Secret Knowlegde? maybe you know this or maybe you dont but these are afew thing I have learnt from the Jinns.
Spiritual being and their Hierachy.
Amongst the purest and therfore the highest are ANGELS, according to believing Jinn they are number one the most powerfull. After Angels next in chain of power and knowlegde are Moakkils these are being created from light similar to the Angels accept have free will just like man and jinn. Moakkils must obey cosmic law and for this reason much of there abilities are bounded/limitied thou on occassion they have been known to supersede these laws and exercise there powers, they are friendly by nature and have helped in the evolution of man. Alot of modern day techonolgy and the advancement in medicine can be attributed to them. After Moakkil you have the different classes of Jinn and rohaans. From the Jinn the strongest and the most wise are Ifrit these are commonly the King of Jinns, althou some say Marids are the strongest class of Jinn infact they are one and the same. The term Marid is used to refer to very very Old Ifrit which are many thousands of years in age currently there are 4 Marids on Earth. The other class of Jnin and the sub classes are not worth mentioning. Ruhaans are an off shoot from Jinns intially at the emergance of man the first Jinns where spilt into two groups some wanting to couse man harm and other who were more tolerant and accepted man the later in some cases became very close to man and begot now this line of hybrid human+jinn are ruhaans.
Now to further this let me exlain what all this means when we refer to power strenght of these beings. In comparison to Humans Jinns and moakkils are physically much stronger, can move much faster and live much longer. To comprehend this my Jinns expain it like this, a normal servent Jinn/Jann has the physical strenght of 4 Men(combined strenght) and a Ifrit has the strenght equall to 700 Men. Generally speaking the older these being become the stronger they are. One Moakkil is superior to the combined strenght and abilities of 1000 Jinn. In my experience I dont know the exact speed but these beings can move really fast Once my farther required a certain book and sent his Jinn to Indonesia to retrieve it within acouple of mins the Jinn had left our home in Senegal and travelled to Indonesia then back again with the book.
More l8tr on bye for now.
This post has been edited by Mr Hasan: Dec 12 2006, 11:26 PM