Not expressly true, about the emulator being illegal. You bought the game, you own it, legally, there's no harm in using it on your own private server, as long as you're not making money. It just means you're going around the terms of the parent company. And since Blizzard seems to love messing people over, it wouldn't be far out of the realm of possibility to consider the fact that the EULA probably contains something about not playing it online except on official servers. So, from what I've heard, actually, playing it on a server you made homebrew and not online, isn't illegal. But playing online is.
The emulator, database, frontend, none of that stuff is illegal. The online play is... From what I've heard. Either way, I thought I'd clear that up so you wouldn't get in trouble with the MODstaff.
But I'd recommend, especially on a legitimate messageboard like this, not to encourage illicit activities. Either way, freaking kudos for getting around all the hassle of hooking up a database and server... I tried nonstop for three days, and I got really close, but then MySQL server crapped out on me, and I couldn't reinstall. So, it won't really ever work properly again. Joy of joys.
I love WoW though, I just wish I could afford it.
"It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands." Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet