Keep trying, practice is a vital and lifelong part of meditation. Let me try and give you a pointed meditation. This is just breathing, thats all you do. Get into your spot for meditation and relax and than when you are ready clear your mind of all except concentration on your breath. You will have foreign thoughts come in. If its not something you choose to meditate on than just push that thought out of your mind let it go as if a boat sailing of in the distance. NEVER force away your thoughts. This is where time comes into play. Just continue to work on pushing the thoughts out of your head and focus (single pointed meditation) on the breathing. With this once you are capable of spending long amounts of time just breathing move on and let the breath go also. I would not even worry about what occurs ( like your guide) yet until you are under a solid foundation. Use the breathing as a tool for the single point and than like i said just let your breath slip off the point of the needle. And all will be still. simple but probably the best way i can imagine to get the thinking and random thoughts from the subconcious under control. Later you can pick a single thought out and meditate on it. Or even one tarot card or a crystal more scrying type meditations. But they all are "single pointed". Really the breathing is the most solid technique i think i will ever find. As for your eyes when in meditation you can keep them slightly opened just look down a little (you should be anyways if in proper posture). And even completely open in the case of the tarot and crystal meditations. In the long term it is good to spend time in your day just makeing sure you clear your mind of all things except what you are doing. If you take a shower spend the entire shower only in the moment your thoughts reside on only showering. This will allow for future meditations to get easyer and less interferance. The shaman call it stalking and it works with amazing speed if you do it regularly.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". Abrahadabra
Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah Tat Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat