Greetings hljdreamer,
The Four Sons of Horus and their correspondences according to Egyptian Religion Scholars (Silverman, Baines, Schaefer, and Lesko) are:
Imseti = Liver = Human = South
Hapy = Lungs = Baboon = North
Duamutef = Stomach = Jackal = East
Kebehsenuef = Intestines = Falcon = West
This is pretty much the same list you have; however, this spelling reflects the current academic consensus on how they are to be pronounced. I've used these a few times in an experimental version of the LBRP that I'm currently working with. Instead of the Archangels I call upon the Four Sons of Horus to banish the quadrants (these beings seem to be more responsive, at least to me).
This fits quite nicely, especially given the use of the "Sign of the Enterer" (aka Step of the Avenger) and "Sign of Silence" which represent Egyptian god forms. While in the sign of the Enterer you are Horus the Avenger (Attacking/projecting Force) while in the sign of silence you are Harpocrates, i.e. Horus the Child (Defensive/grounding force). Since you are associating your persona with Horus it would make sense to have the Four Sons as guardians of the quadrants.
This post has been edited by Faustopheles: Dec 21 2006, 10:52 PM