Id say like me everybody was born with good visualisation skills. I remember when I was around 6 all I had to do was close my eyes and Id see all sorts of images and colors and I would be able to create images in my mind. I remember it was always easy to create things but it was alot harder to get rid of them or change them once I had created them.
One thing that sticks out the most in my memory is I always used to see this flaming firy eye which I percieved as evil and it used to scare the crap outta me. I intentionally cut off my visualisation skills because this flaming eye kept appearing and it would scary me shitless for some reason. It pissed me off because I enjoyed visualisation all the other things but something about this flaming eye just seemed evil.
I had completely forgot about that until I saw Lord of the Rings. The flaming eye of mordor reminded me of the eye I used to see. Its identical to the eye I used to see all the time when id close my eyes.
Anyone else ever seen that flaming slit eye when visualising? Its just like the one in lord of the rings its bright red and yellow outside and a black slit or pupil in the middle.