Ok.....I have a good background in and am experienced within Cthulhu mythos magic and Chaos Magic, I'm not some fool kid that doesnt know his Shaggoth from Shub-Nigurrath. I appreciate the warnings.... and with all due respect from your replies it would appear that I know a lot more on the subject than you. I will be honest, I have never used an astral temple before, but I am reading and learning and you know what they say, practice makes perfect.
Cthulhu Magic is a prime paradigm of mine, and I have got some great results and have yet to go mad..... (IMG:
I've read most of Lovecrafts works, read both Simon Nec's, the Psudonomicon, the R'lhey Text, and many many other Necronomicons and mythos books.
"I know this forum is Necronomicon but we keep getting threads about mythos/Lovecraft chaos magick systems built upon this. I am unsure if these type threads belong here or in chaos magick."
Eh?! This is Cthulhu mythos stuff! Where else
should it be???
This post has been edited by Alarum: Apr 20 2005, 03:12 PM