Anubis....well I don't know much save from some mythos involving him and such...the basics really. But...I've a friend who claims to be a priestess of his (in the effort to keep the religion alive rather than spreading it like in the old days) and once apparently he, or his spies specifically, had observed me to consider my worthiness for said priesthood....I didn't hear about it till she said I did something during the 2 week period that angered him and thus wouldn't be worthy of said priesthood...though declined me the benefit of what it was I did to improve myself for my OWN benefit. Frankly I don't care since I wouldn't've accepted the job anyway, but that did kinda piss me off that they wouldn't say what it was I was doing...based on what the stories say about his personality, I'd assume my being lazy when working out (being in the military) would've acconted for it...but I can only assume at this point.
That, sadly, is my only exposure to Anubis at this time...whether it was the REAL Anubis, or some spirit that was claiming to be him to get worshippers, or she was just lying to me (since I AM known to be a tad gullible (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/13.gif) Getting better....but I prefer to believe people would be honest if treated with respect -.-).....but I just wanted to relate my own experience =/ Any advise on whether it could've been authentic? I'd not really want to be angry at someone for wronging me if they weren't really the ones to do it. Sure he's a god, but if someone angers you, shouldn't you at least tell them WHY so they can improve on matter the fact they're no longer of any importance to you to be some tool. And please forgiveme, I tend to be a bit of a newb with such things...I only know as much as I've been told, and I'm sure you all can understand how...hesitant...those that'd be in the know are with revealing what they know to those they consider to be their lessers -_- I'm trying to learn as I go though (IMG: