Sleep deprivation, fasting, or extended single point awareness are the majority of your options if you don't want to work too hard at it.
It's possible for anyone in any situation to achieve gnosis, if they're willing to put the time in it.
Yes, it often takes years from beginning to end. But, that isn't to say you'll never achieve it in short order, rather, at first it is a brief moment, a transient sensation of altered reality that will come and go in a flash. Usually afterwards you will come to some conclusion 'out of no where' while doing something unrelated all together. You also may very well not remember those moment for very long, at least in terms of what exactly you experienced. That's normal, if you keep at it your control over it will gradually increase.
However, if you are not motivated to do the work, you will not achieve results. Magick, mysticism, gnosis, enlightenment, it takes Work, you HAVE to evolve yourself, challenge yourself, build yourself up. If you don't want to work hard, then prepare to be very, very patient instead.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.