I would suggest a combination of the A.O. Spare banishing/alignment I posed somewhere else on SM (I could look it up and link it)
and I AM's solar banishing/wave method (which I think is also posted somewhere here . . . if not, its on Ashnooks site).
Between these, you can pretty much clear/center yourself and clear/identify your personal astral space.
Though, I would ask . . . how long had you practiced the LBRP/LBRH. It's an extremely effective set of rites . . . and one practiced enough to "know" its form/function, can be well adapted to your particular proclivities (initially, the word "AUM" can be well used until a more appropriate word is found/provided).
More practice (if only accepting the religious tones as a temporary expiedient) may offer more then you think.
I'll look up those links in a bit . .. if needed (IMG: