A very good book on reincarnation is called "Old Souls" by Tom Shroder. The book follows Dr. Ian Stevenson to Beirut and India to investigate cases of children who recall past life details. Most of the children are born knowing intimate details of families they've never met. The families generally live within 50-100 miles from the children's homes. The kids know names, dates, places and even resemble the people they claim to have been in past lives. Dr. Stevenson is a man who has devoted his entire life to researching these cases and investigating them, even at the cost of his medical career.
Some commonalities in the cases are; that reincarnation usually occurs within 8 months of death, karma seems to have no effect at all on the types of lives the souls are reborn into, birthmarks seem to be scars from past life injuries. Also, there are claims the the spirit world mourns a rebirth in the same fashion that we mourn a death on earth.
It's a very scientific investigation in reincarnation and an excellent read. I came away from the book with this thought - Does it really matter if reincarnation exists if you cannot remember your past lives? What is the difference between a reincarnated soul and a new soul if no memory of the event exists?
Check out the book if this topic interests you. I don't think there is a better book on the subject.