When it comes to astral projection I just use my dreams. Basically when already in a lucid dream I sort of lunch myself from my dream world out into the astral world. My dream world is like a bubble, not unlike a planet and by breaching the "atmosphere" of this world I am able to explore realms outside of it. The way I look at it is my dream world is of my innerself, whats within me, and the astral world represents whats around me, the world outside of myself. Before I got good at using my dreams I used visualization coupled with meditation. The gist of that is I taught myself to visualize things in great detail and how to experience sensations (like touch, sight, taste) while meditating. By combining the two feats I am able to "project" my consciousness into the astral world.
Any given technique is attempting to produce a similar affect - to put the mind into an altered state that enables it to consciously percieve the world around the body, without actually being in the body. All it really takes is the ability to visualize, utilize deep meditation and practice. With enough intent and practice one could learn to have successful OBEs within a week. Even then I think it'd take at least a month or more to really get good at it. And it does require honest and regular practice. The other thing to be caution of is the expectation for success. If you expect to have an OBE bad enough it'll be coutner productive. The mind needs to be able to relax and be free from all expectations to really have OBEs. With practice a person will have OBEs its just a matter of time. Part of the learning process is to accept the reality that this does take practice and time to get good at.