ive had some "wierd foods"...
guinea fowl
sea urchin
brains of various animals (chicken being most vile)
chicken foot, various organs
pig foot, ear, tail, smoked "raw" bacon, organs, blood
doves and pigeons (not ratty city pigeons)
baby octopians
dried cuttlefish (tho i loathe squid/calamari)
tatar beefsteak (raw beef)
blood of various animals, cooked and uncooked
oh and its recently come to light that rubio's chain of restaurants were selling lobster burritos that were actually hermit crab, so ive had a bite of hermit crab as well, not particularly good, btw... hahah. i would still like to try scorpion and various snake.
also, once at a sushi place inm southerna california i saw someone order what looked like a small lobster, still living with the tail deskelatonized/detatched in pieces so that he can "see you eat him" it was rather disturbing...
the one type of wierd food that i would rather die than be forced to eat is that wretched balut (duck embryo while still in egg) or the ever more filthy jungle food "1000 year eggs". oh dear ghods... that craps as vile as it gets. ***heebie-jeebie shivers***
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_egghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut"wierd meat" is an interesting site i found yeaterday that seems to fit here well, enjoy:
http://www.weirdmeat.com/2006/02/shanghai-...ken-shrimp.htmlThis post has been edited by vulnera: Jan 18 2007, 01:22 PM