I put a great deal of stock into it, as I identify with being Otherkin. (IMG:
My views on it? I'm human. My DNA says so.
I identify with an animal, I feel that it's possible that I could have been said animal once. Possibly in a past life, or maybe it's just my totem animal and I have it all confused! *lol*
Anyway, my soul is a basically a junk drawer. I do not have the soul of a/an (insert animal/creature here). I have
my soul. The main animal that identify with is something that helps me with my life and what I do. I learn from it and it guides me.
Now...the scary parts of the Otherkin circles--
After running an Otherkin site for 4 years, I've run into people who:
1. claimed to be gods
2. Hate humanity completely (self-hate?)
3. dream of returning to their true-form (O_o)
4. are here for some great all out war between good and evil (double O_o)
I tried to help these people understand that all was...just wrong, but they would rather threaten than listen. Unfortunately, these people attract followers.
While I like the idea of people with a similar belief system getting together and talking about it, it does have it's pitfalls. So many people start playing the "I remember you" game which hiders self-discovery...not to mention can also lead to dangerous situations. All too often, people conform for the alpha mentality, or just never learn any of their own answers for themselves, instead relying on someone else to tell them everything.
I did try hard to teach the people who once frequented my site that you can learn from anything that you think/believe that you were and what you are now. Even if, in a past life, you were a lowly pure-finder, there's some knowledge there for you to taken it.
Sadly, not many understood that.
I'm sorry if this was rambling and long-winded!