Hi! I'm new here and thought I would introduce myself. Or at least my background. I first became interested in magick in the 5th grade. I started hearing a voice in my head. Of course my first thought was that I was crazy, but then I started to talk to it and relized that it was a totally different being than me. I just called him (it sounded like a male) spirit or dark spirit because I "sensed" a little evil from him. Then in the 8th grade he suddently stopped talking to me. I repeatedly tried to get him to talk agian but he wouldn't. He was still in my head though. Like I said before I could sense him. Any way I was lying on my bed thinking when suddently I heard a severly Evil voice say "I am ultimate power Worship me!" I said "I worship none but God himself! Leave now or I'll kill you!"( probably the wrong choice of words). Anyways he left and ever scince I couldn't sense my evil spirit anymore. I wanted him back so I started reaserching the paranormal when I came across magick. I'm most interested in abremelin and have studied,not used, his books for around 3 years. I have also studied various grimories and "magical" anthologies and books. I have never cast a spell or done a summoning. I don't think I'm ready yet and I don't have many of the materials needed. So that's basicly my magical background. I'm mostly interestead in familiars and companions and the sort. I'm also into summonings.
So that's it.=)