Jinn. I think that there is a reward to be gained from the responsible application of free will. Angels and Demons, having only the ability to act for either good or evil, seem to have no real 'challenge' in their existence, and we see across all of creation that without challenge, there is little growth. Growth shouldn't need to end with death...
What makes you think that angels or demons do not have free will? An angel chooses good because they are comfortable with it. A demon would choose evil because it is part of who they -are-. Free will? Of course. They can choose otherwise any way they see fit, but must accept consequences.
An angel may be on earth and see promiscuity today and have his/her heart broken over a bisexual girlfriend wanting another 'playmate'. A demon may leave a prude just because they want some action. An angel may feel uncomfortable in a drug orgy, a demon might get sick just from being around a ballroom waltz party. Who knows? It's all a matter of perception and lifestyle. I for one, would like to count myself as an Angel. I like monogamy. I like sexual conservancy. I like being "good." I like being honest about my feelings to a fault. I cringe just thinking people would share lovers like they do now. "mooks" and "midriffs" creep me out and depress me. Liars enrage me. I have a hard time trusting because I see many around me against what I stand for.
I know it's something I must accept as a sign of the times, but at least I want to be acknowledged for what I am, who I am, what I live for, and what I stand for. Soemtimes I will have to do things I DON'T like. Why? Just because it has to be done. I see good and evil in a more ambiguous, ambivalent way such as doing what must be done is good, and not doing so is evil, all in the context of making a change for the better. It's a state of mind that one aquires overime, really.