Welcome to SM Dark Knight !!
Agreed with Lucian, sigil magick can certainly be used to help aquire or enhance abilities. I might not suggest starting a sigil-approached Astral Projection operation during sleep, I could see why it wouldn't work.
Personally, I suggest a "normal" start to sigil work, ie. create a sigil, charge/empower it with whatever free energy you have (niether-neither, undifferentiated, shock, exercise . . whatever) during gnosis/meditation, then let it go unthought of until your next charging. In different opportunities: meditate, relax, and start practicing AP (or whatever your intent is).
The problem with starting sigil magick (and particularly AP'ing) in your sleep is that at that point you've already slipped below the "conscious" threshold, therefore trying (initially) to accomplish a basicly conscious-controlled unconscious function without the benefit of the conscious state for the control mechinism (doea that make any sense).
The point is, its hard to not go completely to sleep when you go to sleep. It a fine method after you've established a bit of skill, but initially (at least I found) its just more difficult and more frustrating.
About the weed, yeah . . . I have the same problem with not being able to access my dreams as well, either for the purpose of remembering them or getting lucid
with them.
In general, weed can help with making the astral "visually" more potent (in really small doses), but equally it make maintaining mental control more difficult.
Fortunately I've been on a semi-longterm dry spell . . . so I've been able to do some work (and depth) that I'd been putting off. Lucian's got a good suggestion there . . . just give yourself a few days dry.... as a magickian, you do have that degree of controll over yourself . . . don't you! (IMG:
(this thread may be better in the Chaos forum, unless you really intend this to coordinate with a Ceremonial type path topic)
This post has been edited by palindroem: Feb 2 2007, 03:17 PM