full moon/imbolic rite last night
oh soooo cold, but worth it - i did it solitary as it was just to cold, but i did run out and lit the altar candle as a dare, then absolutely flew back inside and did the ritual with another candle, then spent the rest of the night scrying the moon and the pale stars (isn't it cool the way the full moon washes them out), just basking in the glow and 'hanging out' with the all energies that participated
the heck with skyclad, get me a sweatshirt and a jacket! - make that two sweatshirts! - and two jackets!
the quickening
my 'natural', solitary imbolic ritual
by esoterica
copyright 2007
all rights reserved
note: my (batsh!t crazy) paradigm involves the recombination of eros and agape concepts, equality with the heavenly forms, and is couched in a natural format, with no protections called or desired, so use at your own risk
as the earth travels around the sun in its elliptical, egg-shaped orbit, it passes the point where it turns back toward the sun and the warmth, the promise of light and heat and life returning to the plants and animals
the big question is, how did the ancient celtic tuathas know the orbit of the earth, when the rest of the people were more concerned with the motion of the sun as viewed from the earth?
cast the circle and call down the moon and sun to be with you in the circle, then invite all the energies present into celebration of the ritual
start the music (inkubussukkubus-aradia -
http://www.soundclick.com/util/DownloadSon...D=812653&ref=2)light a single white candle and hand it to the sun standing in the center of the circle
then walk the circle clockwise like the earth's orbit around the sun, hand-fasted to the moon and both spinning together counterclockwise (the direction the earth spins and the as moon always faces the earth)
go all the way around one time, then join hands with the sun and the moon, and along with all the other energies present, intone together:
brown and green,and green and brown,
up into the sky, down into the ground,
life returns, and death subsides,
we welcome the sun back to our skies!
cheers all round, then the start the dancing music (spiral dance-black annis -
http://www.spiraldance.com.au/whitemagic/blackannis.mp3) and the party begins!
give the devil's cry and start the dancing - watch for the wind to join in
kiss the moon and then the sun (and anyone else!), being sure to dispatch the energy with intent
kepp it up as long as you can, then collapse in a heap!
commune with those present until the energy fades
turn off the music, dispense the circle and bid all depart in peace
enjoy the energies as you feel them for the rest of the night and the next day