Everything in life can be addictive: sex, chocolate, coffee, surfing the net, forums, work... As with anything balance is required. No matter how much success you enjoy, no matter how much pleasure you derive, balance is still the path to wisdom. I'm a Tantric Buddhist, so this will sound corny, but it's all about attachment; rather, it's about avoiding attachment. In Tantric Buddhism -- which in most ways is no different from any other Magick path -- the gurus are careful to "smash down" the egos of successful students. They teach you how to create a Tulpa (Servitor), then tell you it's all an illusion after you achieve the work. But since they also teach all life is an illusion but at the same time physical reality is just the ego's interpretation of true nature, that actually makes EVERYTHING real. Very circular logic. But in doing so, they demolish the ego in a positive way, and addiction is virtually impossible. There's no thrill. No attachment. It's just a means to an end.