sorry, all - i actually had to work , and i appreciate both the patience with my crazy idea and your intelligent replies
and no i don't know what i'm talking about - i'm trying to figure out this new information that there are two races (cabari and dung, or fire and earth) here on earth (and actually we are the aliens, since we were 'made')
there are two kings of the jinn if i'm not mistaken, one 'up' and one 'down' so to speak, or one positive energy ( which i'm assuming is ihvh since his opposite is iblys/shaitan) and one negative energy (who is Iiblys or iblis (ibls) and thus given the name shaitan after the really bad priest-king of mu or atlantis or somesuch) - iblys was the one who rebelled, and there must have been another king for who else did the non-rebellious follow?)
i need to bring forth enki again and see what light he can shed on the matter since he's the main player in this riddle
there goes the damn phone again - thanks, and i'll let you know what the answers i get are