I would caution against equating tai chi with meditation exactly. each person's path is unique, but no matter who you are meditation helps calm and center the self, and ultimately allows the mind chatter to quiet down so that the true self can be heard through the din of everything separating you from yourself.
Tai chi can be a meditation, but does not have to be. Tai chi, in itself, will not make you more spiritual. Meditation, however, when done earnestly, has the specific effect of connecting you to your spirit, regardless of the tradition one follows, and moreover it is a skill that afterwards can be applied to any area of life, to make any aspect of life a spiritual endeavor. There is a reason every spiritual tradition, ever, involves some form of meditation.
no big deal, but for anyone who is totally unfamiliar, that should be said. Meditation, in itself, simply the desire to order one's thoughts and become centered, and not even that, simply following some techniques (the most basic, others require some idea of what you're doing and why) to the letter, will in fact open up the opportunity for spiritual growth, even if you're not looking for it. It's largely superficial at such a stage, having to do specifically with the brain alone, but it's true none the less.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.