It's been doing it for about a year, during some periods every day... and I just can't get any juice out of it.
It started well enough, but after a few months of daily practice, I didn't seem to have any results. I read Kraigs' modern magic book and he says it is likely you'll start seeing "visions" of things, he says he saw a snake disappear into the floor or something.
I'm no where near that point, if indeed I can get to such a point. I know the point of magick is NOT to have little tricks and visions but I feel bad that I cannot sense any true progress. I expected I would at least have gradual signs or feelings that I was advancing, even if just in baby steps.
Part of my problem may be that I rarely vibrate the names aloud, and when I do, I tend to feel a bit silly. My room has no curtains on the windows and there IS a constant sense of paranoia, at most times of day. I don't know. I dont plan on giving up but I wanted to know other people's sensations of "progress."