Given that the moon is representative of the inner self, I always associated the eclipse the with 'eclipse' of the ego, a time when the 'self' is overshadowed by the collective - the earth covering the moon.
From what I can gather, it generally represents a lack of moon energy in the chart, which is significant in itself astrologically. It can affect everything that it aspects by that lack. However, how that absence affects the aspected planets is a topic of apparently wide opinions. The absence of the feminine, nurturing, maternal energy could mean a reinforcement of the active, masculine energies, suggesting maybe a greater presence of the 'god' energy (in the dualistic God/Goddess sense).
For me, my vow of silence will end the moment the eclipse begins. I will be on the great lawn in the park chanting!
I'll add to this post if I can find out anything more specific on the astrological significance, or discover a common thread. Any other astro-buffs here have an opinion?
edit: This moon is at 13 degrees Virgo, the sun will be at 13 degrees pisces, so there is an opposition between those energies, elementally earth (virgo) and water (pisces). So, it is a good time to contemplate the balance between the inner, emotional world, and the outer, 'worldly' world. In this instance, the Emotional world takes precedent over the Material, so it is a good time also to come to a sense of stability emotionally, stepping back from the inner connection to Material affairs. Mercury, virgo's ruling planet, is in retrograde now. So, this eclipse is affects primarily an individualized, internal emotional and or psychic energy. This particular eclipse also happens to be in conjunction with the star Coxa, which is fortunate towards Voyages, Prophetic Visions, Wisdom, etc. So, it's a great night for walking the gates for wisdom, evoking spirits for prophecy or wisdom, etc.
This post has been edited by Vagrant Dreamer: Mar 2 2007, 06:26 PM
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.