salutations to all..i had the biggest battle of my life during this eclipse and i would like to share this with you all.For those who think fate is everything,this experience will show you that a whole lotf of hard work and smart thinking can smetimes outwit fate.this is not meant to show off or to brag,but i genuinely hope the young ones will take heart from this eperience.
For those working eastern tantrik magick,the eclipse is very detrimental as we momentarily lose a whole lot of our abilities,hindu and toaist temples are closed during the day of the eclipse as the dieites have no powers momentarily for that day.on that day,the gods of the devaloka lose much of their infuence on earth.traditionally,demons of old and ancient evil has always been called upon during eclipses in history.
well coming to the point,i had a guru who was one whom i greatly learned from,when he passed on,i made a vow to take care of his bloodline til my last breath as gratitude.he has a daugher whom i treat as my own.Shes a teenager and a young apprentice of mine in the making.The thing was,it was written in her fate that she would not live past this eclipse(shes 22),she was stil recovering from an operation in her brain for the last week(the hindu gods and the nec barashuku were great help during the op) and i knew yama would come to visit during the elipse.i also knew that i cold not call upon the heavenly powers for help and my abilities were severely reduced on that day.well thankfully even in that situation,the goodwil i had earned in my past helping others came to help me.four other tantrik mystics came forward to help me in this endevor.
the day before, we called upon lord ganesh to give us an idea on how to avert this death and he told us that we had to make Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga hear us to stand any chance in this ordeal and also call upon lord hanuman and a few other earth dwelling dieties to help in the task in protecting shantis(my student) dwelling.tis was because though the heavenly gods had almost no power for the day,the earth dieties still had some power that could help us(though it was still limited as they too derived their powers from above).ganesh told us to call upon hanuman, Naageshwari(a cobra/snake queen form of shakti),sangili karuppa(Dark chain warrior) and muniswaran(a guardian god of shiva) to protect the shanti from yama and his beings.the catch was,since the gods powers were limited,the four gods needed to use our bodies as vessels during that three crucial hours.we of course agreed.
the day approached and we meditated on lord shiva and goddess durga for a few hours then proceeded to make preparations for the big test.we also had to make sure that shanti was to never fall asleep during the crucial three the time approached, shanti began to have pain in her head and she could not control the pain,the four dieties were invoked and the did their level best but it was a tall task,shanti kept slipping in and out of consciousness and the first time we felt that we were loosing her,naageshwari in one of the mystics body came forth and pulled shanti into consciousness.half an hour went past and i felt the dark powrful presence of Yama approach the house with his terrible yama thoothas,his deputies.the home had protective spells written all around the house like a magickal circle and the thoothas went about trying to break them in various places.shanti was slipping in and out of consciousness and for awhile i could not feel her heartbeat,thankfully hanuman stepped forward and placed his finger on her thrid eye and brought her back literally fro the death.
forty mins for the time to end,our magickal circle around the house was breached,and here i have to personally thank sangili karuppa who used his battle chain to fend of the hundreds of deputies of yama in his weaken state but still held them at bay.our main entrance was then starting to get breached by the dreaded one himself and the tantrik with hanuma invoked flung himself on the main entrance and held the dreaded one himself at that moment all the mystics were busy fending of the dreaded one and his deputies and i saw that shanti had lost consciousness,i ran over to her from the place where i was chanting and took a milk potion that i had placed on a conchshell on shivas statue in my altar and beseeched shiva to help me his grace,the potion of shiva worked and shanti came to consciousess,but she was still in a very weakened state,it was then that munieswaran entered her and gave her a new sense of energy,munieswran fully took over her body dring the last five mintes and prevented yama from achieving his aim before the time was then where we all saw this gold light come out of lord shivas statue and fil the entire house,yama did not say anything as he left but just nodded at me as though saying,he respected the effort we put in.
many of the mystics fell from pure exhaustion after the events.but i teared at the events and thanked all tose who helped me in that endeavor.shanti is currently recovering well.
i formally thank the powerful courageous and good hearted Sangili karuppa,the selfless Hanuman,the quick thinking Nageshwari and the wise and strong Munieswaran for thier help which i owe a debt of gratitude that i can never repay and the four mystics who spent all their energy and human will and even allowed their bodies to be used as vehicles for my daughter.i wil take it upon myself to spread the word of heir greatness where ever i can.Thank you.thanks for showing fate can be conquerd by Willpower and thinking.