I was trying to explain chaos magic technique to a friend recently and she asked me the following question: "Could I enlarge my breasts through magick?"
There are non-perscription suppliments women can take to enhance the breast size. If you google "enlarge breast size", or soemthing to that affect I'm sure you'd find something. If you can somehow find out the ingredients of such pills then you can create your own tinture. I believe estrogen is suppose to be the hormone that causes breast growth. However I'd be carefull about taking any suppliments because they can mess with your brain chemisty. Breast cancer is also an issue to consider. And Draginvry has a point about being careful, but thats a point in caution no matter what kind of magick one does.
By nature women's breast size increase just slightly during their period. This also occurs during pregnancy. Obviously getting pregnant just to have your breast grow in not a moral solution. So every time your friend was on her period I'd have her draw a sigil representing her breast in permanent ink on the base of each breast then meditate each day through her cycle and each time she did so I'd have her visualize warm blue or pink light flow through her and into her breast. Each flow of energy would slightly increase her breast size. I'd also have her burn some kind of insense associated with females and maybe recite a mantra as well. The biggest catch to any magick is getting over the ego. So if her ego says her breasts are small they will likely remain as such. Only until she could be happy with her current breast size would this be affective.