No, I have not heard anything about someone's body walking off with out them. Too much time in the astral can leave one with a headache and general weakness, if they are not used to it. The first few time I astral willingly tried to projected, I was drained after a few minutes. Are you sure it was not an OBE I have heard of (and experienced) times when I watched from the third person what I was doing.
As for the voices, I would think that would be an entirely different issue.
Cosmic consciousness is devoid of diversity; yet the universe of diversity exists in notion.... We contemplate that reality in which everything exists, to which everything belongs, from which everything has emerged, which is the cause of everything and which is everything.... The light of [this] self-knowledge alone illumines all experiences. It shines by its own light. This inner light appears to be outside and to illumine external objects.
-Sage Vasishtha