I wonder if anyone could help me to understand this: for most of my life I have been interested in spiritual advancement and exploration which eventually lead me to attempting to follow the Golden Dawn studies for Neophytes about three years ago. One day as i was in the expanding my aura in the Middle Pillar I suddenly felt as though a dark area (corresponding to a location in a part of my back physically) kind of ruptured, I know that sounds crazy but I'm kind of psychic and sometimes pick up on odd things, and the next day I received a massive dose of what I can only describe as "bad karma" which was so traumatic it brought my life to a hold, not just my studies. I felt almost as though I was being warned off from my explorations. Recently though, I got my life back on track, I thought maybe I was a little paranoid interpreting the experience as a warning and decided to resume my studies, I performed LRBP once as a warm up and it didn't just feel good it was blissful, though I did feel I had once again found the "dark area". Within two days, again i had an extremely bad experience in my life. I assure you my intentions have been as pure as I can consciously guarentee as regards my reasons for pursuing this path, so is this: A warning? Just a purification of my aura and the bad experiences are essential for my spiritual evolution? A coincidence? Anyone any similar experiences? Any Advice?