What 'position' are you using? Sitting down, laying down (on your side? or back?)
I find that if I lay on my back to try and sleep I get similar feelings, I have to sleep on my side. Also rather than trying to meditate, just sit/lay with your eyes closed. Do no think about meditating, do not think about not thinking, just be still and let whatever thought arise in your mind.
In my experience it is very hard for people to just be still and do nothing. We are conditioned to be doing something, anything, all the time. That may be watching tv, listening to music, reading a book etc. The mind has become used to stimulus, so you need to teach the mind not to require this stimulus.
Once you have achieved the above you can then start doing fun things with this new state of mind, but you need to build the foundations upon which this wall (meditation, one pointed mind) will rest.