Good post!
I'd like to concur, for the most part! If you ever have a chance to actually 'look' at a mediums aura then you'll see why it can have its drawbacks... But this will also lead us to the discussion of how do I make Solomonic Magic work if I'm not a Christian or a Jew? A great deal of 'magic(k)' is made up from ancient/older theurgic exercises. If one has done their homework then a bit of Invocation can really help without forever destroying the users religous stance. Granted, if one has strong ties with the spiritual aspect of the divinity then one would normally expect an easier ride... I've noticed that quite a few practicing magicians who are atheistic lean abit on assists from somewhat dubious spiritual contacts...I leave this dilemma with them...LOL! J*S makes a very valid point! (IMG: