First thing, I don't know how well any advice I can give will apply to you. I and all of my fellow Necronomicon Priests here (as far as i know anyway), only work with the Elder Gods and not the Ancients. However, summoning and invocation/evocation tend to have similar archetyple characteristics across the board, so I'll give it a shot.
To start, is this your first time calling on the Ancients? If so then it's possible that you may have some people in the group you worked with that weren't fully 'into' the energies of the entity. With the Ancients, being they are pure destruction and chaos, they tend to be fickle about the humans they cavort with. The thing is, they despise humanity and seek nothing less than our non-existence, so it would also depend on your reason for calling one. If you call on an Ancient with something other than the intent to 'adore' them or carry out their desires, they will be at the very least silent. They won't do anything that will benefit the human calling them, other than to grant that human power to work for them.
Next, when did you attempt the calling? Each of the Ancients have their own specific times to be called (lunar position, etc...) You may need to optimize your time of calling. Other than that I don't know what else to offer in way of advice. I've never had any dealings with the Ancient Ones as anything but an opponent/enemy, so I know little on the matter of garnering their favor. But basically, look at the overall procedure you used, compare it to the texts. If there were any small differences you missed, then correct them and go for it again. Also, about the folks you worked with. Speak with each of them and just get a feel for their personal energy. When working magick in a group, even one person being out of tune with the powers involved could be like throwing a wrench in an engine. Good luck, Nosotro Tehuti.