MOLOCH, you make some good points.
But economics doesn't change desire. There are some publishers that still deal exclusively with fine, hardbound books (the Folio Society being one), but they print nothing on more esoteric studies.
I have indeed considered having my own work bound, and copy and recopy my work until each page is absolutely perfect, but alas, it will be awhile, as I only have 120 pages or so.
I guess in a way, people's love of money is the downfall of quality. They only want to buy the cheapest things, and the manufacturers have to cater to that because otherwise, they won't sell the top-shelf stuff except to people of taste.
To these I turn, in these I trust; Brother Lead and Sister Steel. To his blind power I make appeal; I guard her beauty clean from rust.
He spins and burns and loves the air, And splits a skull to win my praise; But up the nobly marching days She glitters naked, cold and fair.
Sweet Sister, grant your soldier this; That in good fury he may feel The body where he sets his heel Quail from your downward darting kiss.