That's cool.
What you were saying brought to mind the idea of "The Three Eyes," some christian philosopher came up with. I don't know what his name was off hand, and am to lazy to research right now, but essentially he said that man has three ways of looking at the universe. With an eye of flesh (sensory, empirical), an eye of reason (logical, rational thought,) and the eye of the spirit (intuitive mystical intelligence.)
Ken Wilber said of these that they should idealy be working fine and have juristiction over their own realm. But when one intrudes upon the other he called it a "category error." For example a mystic shouldn't be an make pronouncements on geology using the eye of the spirit. The rationalist can say a lot about both realms, and can reach contrary conclusions , as E. Kant demonstrated. So like you said you get your inner rationalist to fussy about The Great Work, (s)he's going to have a few fits....especially working with Qabalah
Spock is usually my favorite character on Star Trek.