I have an electronic copy here and while I havent given it any real study it seems like a bit of a hodge podge. I think its a 5 year course and to be honest i dont know enough about Voudoo to know how authentic it is. Glancing at the index it covers among other things: Voudoo (spells etc) Angelic geometria, I-ching, Aiwaz, Gnosis, Egyptian deities, Atlantis, Hinduism, Magnetism, Elemental sorcery, Shintoism, Sex magic, Choronzon.and more I would recommend trying to get your hands on a copy and having a look through it as the writer has a distinct style which wont be to everyone's tastes (ie-not mine LOL -on page two he has you swearing to serve the wonderful spirits of the dead ones and the magicians who live under the sea.) good luck in your search