QUOTE(MOW @ Jul 17 2006, 02:16 AM)
Good Day Ashnook.
Thank you (IMG:
I Know and Have Read a lot of Books and Information about Solomonic Magick and It's My Favorite style of Magick Practice,but As I said I have a bit other Opinions about the so called Occult Paraphalania... and Stereotips and Dogmas
.For Example,I think that LBRP and Fasting and Meditiating for weeks and Month's isn't necessary for contacting Spirits.
Also threaten words in Evocation Text.
For Me the Main Part is,To Have A Wish,Faith and Action(ALL 100%!) and It dosen't Matter,How Ritual will Look...Well I think So and I Prooved My Thoughts in Practice.
I am not Saying,that the way you said and is said in Grimoires and other books Not work,But We must remember,that there are also other ways and everyone have right to choose the way wich is Comfortable for him!
P.S: I saw your site and want to say,that it is Great and I want to wish you success in your Practice and in whole life too:)
Alright, I just want to throw my opinion out there for you to see. I, myself, am a chaote. I understand the principle of changing the texts to suit you, but it is a good idea to keep a decent balance as well. For example:
-100% linen ritual garbs can be expendable, but a general robe or clothing set only to be worn when preforming ritual magick is a basic nessecity
-too many tools too countmade under certain conditions with individual writing on each are probably expendable to, but a wand, sword, and dagger are basics. If you don't like those particular weapons, then, by all means, improvise: a staff, wand, and dagger could work fine.
-The triangle and circle may seem expendable to you as well, but I suggest you keep them. My personal choice for a triangle is actually chaotic:
If you wish, you can omit the triangle, but it is there for a reason. It gives the spirit a designated place to culminate its being so that it can manifest more easily (this is also why you burn incense around its triangle; air is the closest element to spirit and is easy for a spirit to manipulate).
The main thing that shouldn't be omitted, however, is the circle. Now, you do not have to make an incredible complex circle around you, but, if you are working with a solomonic grimoire, then it is generally better to keep the diagrams that are in it if you are going to change anything else. If you do not have the complex circle and only a simple one, then your mind tends to find the ritual "stupid" rather than "magickal."
-The conjurations in the book can be changed as well, but there should still BE conjurations. For example, I do not like commanding demons. I find them to be much more human and likable than most other types of spirits. B/c this is my personall preference, I change the wording of the conjurations I use, but keep them in their original language (usually latin).
Also, from the standpoint of a chaote, doing chaos magick does not mean completely ignoring the set rules. It means being able to work with different paradigms and changing the work to fit you. To omit things and replacing them with things that resonate with you better is fine. Even simplifying a ritual to make it easier to do in a needful situation is fine. But omitting everything doesn't seem to be an "alteration," it seems to be merely laziness on the aprt of the practicioner. I have seen this in quite a few chaotes both online and in person. Gnosis is good, but the ritual "extras" are also a part of that gnosis; they help you get into teh correct mood for the working. Without them, workings generally don't succeed as well as they should/don't push the ritualist's mind open enough to let him progress.