You aren't seeing 'two' auras but, rather, two parts of your aura. Find yourself a full length mirror and step back. You'll 'see' something that will extend around 2 to 5 feet around you. The thin bluish/white coat is your etheric sheath. The next layer extends from 1/2 inch to upwards of 4-6inches is your personal aura sheath, this will be made up of a variety of colors, dependent upon your enerrgy system and emotions, etc. and finally an outer sheath/auric egg that will extend outwards from there. The Theosophists (for one group) have published many books about aura. Leadbetter(sp?) and Powell have illustrative guides with pictures of various auric fields and what they mean. Google around or wander through our Library for more research. One of our members (AuntClair) has a number of informative posts in the learning center (and elsewhere) about this subject. There are any number of other members also that are fairly knowledgable in this area. Vagrany D may be able to help with more info.
There is a good number of other books that you could research. 'Nuclear Evolution' is an interesting tome by Chris Hill that deals alot with aura but some find his neo-Christian slant too much. I could write volumes about this but I also poison threads so fast it isn't fun...LOL! So I'll shutup and let oyjers get involved with their own experiencex/knowledge! Take the time to study this and not wait to be's out there!
From past posts you've mentioned wrath/rage as part of an indulgence. This may show up as an angry red flash or a muddy red cloud within your aura. Keep an eye out for it! Balance is a state to be strived for...IMHO, of course!
1. Your etheric layer will either be a surrounding coating and, occasionally look like steam.
2. Depending upon the health and/or energy of a person will dictate the 'size' of the outer auric layers.
Everyone has this aura.
Good luck! (IMG: