A lot of them are just logical attributions, so for the greek and egyptian gods column xix/xxxiv zeus/ptah naturally fits kether, atehna/amoun naturally fits chockmah, apollo/ra naturally fits tipareth... the paths between the 10 numbers are more obscure to me so I wouldn't know how he came to those.
More are already part of the parcel of the qabalah, the qabalistic parts of the soul, the hebrew angelic and divine names - these have been used for yonks by jewish magicians. One source of attribution is found in the sepher yetzirah, I imagine (haven't checked) that is the source for the columns for the zodiac and planetary signs especially.
Got to wonder myself how he came to the attributions for perfumes, vegetable drugs, and some of the other things in there - corn and other grasses makes sense to be attributed to malkuth as they are the most earthly and widespread.
Hope that helps until someone else more knowledgable comes along with a better answer. (IMG:
This post has been edited by Zugzwang: Jul 14 2007, 12:06 PM