Thank you, I was beggining to wonder if anyone in this forum would have any ability to assist my curiosities, I am glad that there are. I am beggining with the expressed interest in enchanting but I did not mean to implicate that I was excluding the other aspects of sorcery because I do understand that knowing many different aspects of a craft or ability is extremely important and can increase the potency of the main skill one is attempting to attain. I did take much interest in your initial post however i didn't feel this was a topic ment to add to what was there already mainly due to its one sidedness. You did allude to filling the body with the essence of an elemental nature, would it possibly help if you were exposed to that sort of element as this is done, example being, sitting surrounded by candles representing fire (or a campfire), wading in a lake or river, or even as simple as a shower, being outdoors on solid rock or with your bare feet dug into sand. Just curious but do you think this would have any effect on the mentality or potency of the user?
Humbling oneself is the true path to enlightenment, as overconfidence is a true path of failure.