I beleive I received an email asking about this a while ago, although I tend to ignore all requests for the file that was originally posted in this thread and removed soon after.
Hebrew Letterings on Goetic CircleI had a method to my madness. As I think it is safe to assume from the enthusiasm of Heebeejeebees posts one can see that the labor put into writing out the letters pays back in self-realized knowledge Ten-Fold.
I would encourage anyone to not just read his work but sit down and do it for yourself.
To-HeeBeeGeeBee: Good work!
I will post the original file later tonight and it should help you proofread some.
I see from a quick overview that you have a mistake in the first word though. It should be
Kether -Kaph-Tau-Resh whereas you have Kaph-Heh-Resh.
I'm going to sleep for now.