I'm wasn't sure if I should have put this here in Esoteric Discussions, Left Hand Path, or in the Ceremonial Magick forums so I put it here.
Ressurection can be performed by a few Christian evangelists today, but is there an occult way to do it? Also, what about animation? what Hollywood enjoys calling "zombies." I don't care how light, dark, good, or evil the magick is. I want to know if it is possible to do it, whether for kicks, servitors, or just saying "I can," or if it's simply fantasy. And I'm not talking about Necromancy, as that is just summoning the spirits of the deceased to acquire information. I'm talking about bodies on the physical plane getting up and walking. Could a spirit be channeled into a dead body to possess and use it as a vessel?
Basically I wan't to know two things:
1. Can someone be brought back to life (truly alive) by occult means.
2. Is it possible to animate the dead (dead but moving).