Personally I wouldn't use drugs for magical purposes, although I have friends who have. Why I don't is partially because I'm a recovering alcoholic and people like me even if they even use marijuana often fall off the wagon. But, the more important reason is because I can do the same thing without drugs simply using meditational techniques. I view the use of drugs as something that a beginner might do. It has been mentioned as being used in initiations, which is where it seems most suited. I should mention a cautionary tale here. I used to know one High Priest who was thrown out of his own coven and shunned by the community. He gave a group of initiates some hallucinagens during their initiation and didn't tell them. Some of them freaked out or had bad trips during the initiation. It was obvious that they had been slipped something, and it was tracked to the HP. If the knew about it beforehand and had consented that would have been a different situation, but he was judged as having behaved improperly by the coven elders and was banished. That is the only time I've heard of a High Priest turfed out of the coven. And as mentioned, he was also shunned by the local magical community.
Don't worry. It'll only seem kinky the first time.