Greetings Flyingmojo!
It has been entirely too long!
Now please excuse the brevity here on my part...I'm going to take a stab at this as I haven't thought it out thoroughly before...
The system of Chaos magic that utilizes sigil magic works, in part, I believe, due to an assumption that there exists a universal collective 'mind'. When we 'forget' the charged sigil, we release it to this universal collective to be either empowered by similar energy currents or 'picked up' by others of similar mind bent, thereby setting into motion a [revitalizing] (not the word I'm thinking of....sorry)
reifying (that's it!)of the original concept. Keeping a conscious tether to it (the sigil) impedes its progress to the collective as a condom or other birth control mechanism might retard the sperm from reaching the egg. No egg, no result. The fecundity of the egg is determined by a number of faculties. The generators motility, the fertile energy of the collective (available or compatable energy) and the establishment of the 'birthing' cycle (ie the method of materialization). All theoretical concepts but ones that resonate with lifes condition. Since sex is often utilized in the charging of the sigil it stands that this model be used to explore its validity. I would imagine that any number of other processes may be used in like manner.
This doesn't really answer your question(s) but, I hope, will help spark some brainstorming!
Excellent question btw! (IMG: