Well sense everyone else has been rather ambiguous I'll take an opposing stance. Try keeping to simple, carefully worded goals, as they are easer and most can will them to manifest. It will also help if you define a long time frame- especially in the beginning- the longer the frame the more will is acting on it, and success is more likely.
I been looking for the phenomenon for years now without success.
I mean no offense, but it is likely you found it, and then promptly dismissed it. One of the most difficult things is not dismissing results because the earth doesn't shake. In my own experience a journal is an inexhaustible help. Mine reads more like statistical analyses, but that is what I am, eternally skeptical. It helps present very clearly the cumulative effects, which in turn foster expectation. Here I will interrupt the prevailing philosophy: belief is a symptom of will and so is expectation- the only difference is in which end of the problem one works from. Expectation starts with nothing but builds up, while belief starts at the top. From your first post it seems likely you are skeptical and convincing skeptical people to believe is difficult so expectation may be a better rout to go.
Found a lot of preachers, but nobody who could put any meat behind their bones.
I do hope this has help with that; there is of course much ‘meat’ out there- to continue your analogy- everything from axioms and law to theories, but for that it is best to read.
...what I say may be upsetting, and it may conflict with your belief system...
Not at all, things are more harmonious than they first appear, and people take things in stride here, again welcome to our forum.