Time is irrelevant. Its a man made creation meant to understand the motion of greater bodies in our solar system and help us measure changes. Time is motion but different forms of matter move at different speeds. The more heat applied to a given substance the faster the atomic particals move. Less temp produces the opposite affect. Almost like each element has its own "time zone". Water is the easiest to consider - cold enough its ice, a solid. Warm it to just the right temp its liquid. Heat it to boiling it starts to become a gas. If you had enough water and enough heat (I think like 5000 K) you could produce water as a plasma, or (nearly) pure energy.
All elements decay as well. So they are not simply in motion but they are aging. Now the confusing part - aging isn't about the passage of time, or the reverse affect. Aging is the changing of one element into another. Elements decay by loosing protons and electrons - thus gradually becoming different substances. But time still only measures the amount of change within a given period. In one billionth of a second, a nano-second there is change. Very small, unperceptible change, but it happens.
0) no time( past,no present, but future)
(-1) past------------------^----------------- present (+1) (future=possibilty for anything)
If I understand your model correctly time can never reach 0. There is no static point in time. Perhaps there is a time in frame in which all matter that we know of would not move say a giga-second or 10x10^100th of one second. An alagory to consider is Pi, commonly just rounded 3.14 if you actually solve Pi you find that it is a never ending number.
Time travel is really the idea of seeing matter the way it was before a given time period. IN other words letterally reverting the molecular structure of a given chunk of matter to the way it was in the past. Unless one were to some how find a way to enter an alternate universe that allowed them to travel reallity, all of it not just a chunk of it, its impossible to litterally go back in time, except on a small scale. For example a version of feesible time travel would be to revert the matter of a mummy to see what they really looked like. Theoretically even reviving them so that they could give us an inisght into history. So time travel really = matter conversion. And that takes energy. If you had the power of the sun, even on a small scale then you could begin to revert matter to prior conditions.
But back to the topic at hand I don't know what you know about linear mathematics but think of a graph. Unless an equation of a line corresponds to 0 (as in Y or X = 0) the line can never reach it. The same is true for time and finding the exact moment at which all matter is static. It is actually an interesting notion and again it is theoretically possible that there is some time frame in which all matter is static and the universe is for an extremely small amount of time totally still. But it would only be a very small amount of time.