It is good to know you are using the magickal traditions as a path for self transformation. I really can’t say how important it is to me to connect with other people. It is invaluable, but I also disconnect often and go totally into hermit mode, if I was keeping records, It would probably be I am more of a hermit then out there connecting.
The thing I do have is very good friends in all walks of life, whom I can share anything with. I will edit it for them unless they request more information, but by and large they are accepting of anything I choose to do.
One practice, I had done in the past to improve my concept of shielding is to go to a concert with music I enjoy, and during a 15 minute portion, usually setting an alarm to hit at times I know I will be into it. I detach completely. I go into observation mode, and keep myself separate but a part of the crowd. Then after the 15 minutes are up, I go right back to whatever groove I was in.
It is funny how often the people you are with will ask if anything is wrong, as they notice the change. In more advance forms (currently) I try to do it without being noticed…still jumping still dancing, but my focus is not connected to that.
This allows me to be the very cool head in very hot situations. Another fun place to do this is in places that no matter what your excited (paintball was it for me). But also get out of your safe zone.
Joining clubs, book groups, gyms, taking a class at a shooting range…the list is endless. But learn what gets your blood flowing, and then at peek points stop and observe both yourself and your surroundings from a neutral perspective.
It is funny, me and one of my very “magickaly” inclined friends occasionally go to an outdoor shooting range so we can shoot at clay pigeons with a shotgun. Except for the occasional great session of meditation or intimacy, there is nothing that can relax us more fully. My shoulder and chest will be black and blue, and sore, but I will be totally calm the frustrations of the world just fall away for the next three or four days. I often use that feeling to go to when I need to calm and center, if I want to maintain a level of reactive ability, yet be totally at peace at the same time. I am pretty sure full contact martial arts offers the same feeling.
I guess what I am saying is when repairing the spirit don’t forget about body and mind as well. New social groups that meet for 2 or three hours every other week or once a month it is easy to make sure you have a positive, strong and friendly persona for. Martial arts or the gym or anything else physical are great places to test your will.
First is form, then when form is mastered it is about results and pushing yourself to the limit yet maintaining control as you reach it and pass it. Combining centering practices and physical workouts, are some of the most positive things I can do. I just need to get off my butt and back to the gym. But I am pretty sure it also works for hobbies that create things, from knitting to leather working or cooking. Combine the physical with your practice, and your results will be twice as fast. If you combine the intellectual and social as well, it will only accelerate it.
I do not know what country you are in, but usually in the States, community colleges offer all sorts of classes on physical ed and or crafting…take one or two and run with them so that it is social as well as physical. There will be days you want to be in your own little world and days you want to be social, those are perfect environments.
Also be aware of your internal dialog and the topics you talk about, or more to the point the tone of the conversations. I do not want you to edit yourself, just be very aware of your inner dialog.
A last possibility is volunteering somewhere, the easiest for most pagans would be an animal shelter, the most confrontational yet possibly most rewarding from an inner improvement stand point is that of an organization with a religious bent opposed to your own. This is hard, and it is important to find a good organization, but becoming part of them opening their eyes(and yours), while dealing with snide comments and rumors early on in a passive yet strong way is rewarding in itself. It is important for the pagan community to get out there, and if the best way is cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen at a church while they have AA meetings or homeless shelter, it is often a blessing to serve people in need.
But the last is drastic, and I am not sure I could have done those things while having other issues I was looking at.
Just had a mini brain storming session with myself and thought to share.