I had a dream a while ago where some people were healing my throat chakra with some sort of tool/device. It fetl really good, and when i woke up my throat felt soo much better (it had been really sore lately)
Anyway, i'd like to try and replicate the tool i saw them using.
It looked like a paint-roller except more fluffy and softer. It was blue and smelt like blue ocean essence, the thing was giving off nice blue healing energy. I assume that if you could make one of these, then you could make one for other chakras too but they would be different colours (according to the chakra colours).
what i thought about doing was to buy a feather duster, wash it with some blue essence soap, then dry it, then perhaps give it a few swipes with a glue stick, then dunk it inside a jar full of crushed up blue essence sticks. do you think that would work?
what are your thoughts? any ideas?
Klaatu Barada Nikto