When it comes to affecting dice…I have lots of adult experience (table top gaming from age 21-28). In the end my magickal experience and testing ended with this…roughly…I had it documented and after I told my friends about it I was given electronic (palm pilot) dice only while gaming.
This is how it worked best.
Sigil, created for improving dice rolls only (different games require different rolls or different dice).
If I did not care at all about the roll, results where always good (I would blank out my mind or think about something else). Backlash would only occur if I was emotionally invested, then all rolls would be bad.
On one particular session…I had the anchor on me, and did not know. I rolled 15 6s out of 15 dice. I rerolled the dice 13 6s a 5 and a 4, I rolled those 13 again, 7 6s…I continued doing this just to see how far it would go. If it came up 6 it was rerolled if not the dice was taken out of the pile. It took 22 rolls to not have anymore 6s. We calculated the probability of one die individually and had a guesstamate of the chances of that many sixs in an open roll environment.
In essence if just one die getting the same result 22 times is 1/85138056036797700.00 Chance.
There where eight witnesses.
Ultimately it was at least a bigger number then the chance of hitting the powerball lottery jackpot twice in a row with the same numbers…I did play that following day and out of $20 won $6.
Three weeks later we tried the same thing but as a controlled experiment. I admit I was more emotionally involved and I knew I had the anchor on me. This time it took 12,15,20 and other rolls. Actually, I think that was all we did that night, me getting the best results on average it took 13~14 rolls, and since it was 15 dice we thought that might be average…but later in calculating it in excel, it was not by a long shot.
I am surprised I never made a sigil or servitor for the powerball…I need to think about that, honestly it never occurred more then a totally passing thought until now.
Later experiments where more focused and different sigil concepts. None worked as well. In my opinion because of attachment to results at time of the trial. But it could have been those sigils where not as well made.
I was able to roll a one with one die 12 times in a row with purpose. 0.00000000583% or 1/1716378016.66 chance of it happening. I was stopped at that point because it was a detrimental effect to the game.
I did try it once in Vegas…worked a bit better then chance, but I get emotionally involved with betting. So no real confirmable result other then that was the only time (out of 4) that I had more money coming home then going to Vegas including all other entertainment and trip expenses. Usually I set to loose $800 on betting plus everything else and that is a good 3 days.
That anchor is in a box somewhere…perhaps I should find him and see.
I will contact some friends, and look around if we can get the notes on the experiments…I know I have them in a notebook, but my buddies transferred them to computer…it was 2 moves ago, and 7+ years however. And we where not paying too much attention the first and most dramatic time, but it was noted cause we where chance geeks at the time.
However getting back on topic.
Moral rules and changing streetlights. Miniscule at best, but for those with moral issues with it, should not do it. Morals on my dice rolling…pretty low, but everyone knew about it. They just did not take it seriously until that night.
The key was emotional and thought blankness. I think it was that experiment that let me know when I am in the zone with that. Also the concept of a sigil and anchor is not totally normal in chaos circles, it is usually reserved for servitors.
That might be a good exercise for learning…using a chance system and figuring out when and why it works…the feelings and emotions involved.
This post has been edited by paxx: Nov 18 2007, 06:38 AM